Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back From the Dead


It's been awhile. My band, Anderdown, has been building quite a rapport in the Jacksonville area, and have even had offers to tour Florida. While this may not be possible to do right now, we definitely have had a lot of fun bringing new music to the area.

What does this have to do with bike racing you ask? Well, it takes a lot of effort and time to get a band going and to keep the momentum, so my fitness got obliterated. Gone. Everything I worked for, toast.

So where do you pick up again?

At the beginning.

Bri and I are into our third and final nominal month of P90X. We're definitely seeing results (especially in my arms) and it has served as an awesome muscle builder and definer. If I'd followed the diet a little closer, I might have lost a little more weight, but as it stands, I'm at around 190 now. Perfect for losing some more!

I have decided to do the Horrible Hundred event in Clermont, Florida this year in November. For those that don't know, it is what's known as a century ride (100 road miles), and it also features the seven "mountains" of Central Florida. So, rolling hills : D. Actually, there's about 2000 feet total of climbing, and that's a challenge I've never quite tackled. I'll need to be fit, and I'll need to be light.

I have a plan.

Starting last week, I've started to implement the first phase of periodization training, also known as the base phase. In this time (around two months) you take easy to moderate distance rides to build an aerobic "base" to build from, kind of like a foundation for a house. A great side effect of riding in heart rate zones 1 and 2 (never above 75% of your max heart rate) is that your body burns fat instead of carbs for fuel. Basically, you get leaner, at least in theory.

I'm aiming to lose 20 lbs in the next few months, and I'll be updating this blog with ride details and my weight.

Wish me luck!
